No Open Gym until further notice.
about 3 years ago, David
Quarter 2 Parent Teacher Conferences this week. Thursday, January 20th. 6pm - 7:30pm Friday, January 21st. 1:30pm - 3:30pm Drop in at any time that is convenient for you. Please contact the school if you would like to have a phone conference instead. To keep this event safe please leave children at home. Due to Covid-19 this is a socially distanced and masked event.
about 3 years ago, David
QTR2 Leaflet
Battle of the Huskies continues tonight with SVA vs KTS Girls starting at 7:30. Doors open at 7:00. If you provided your vaccine information yesterday we have you on file. If you did not, be sure to bring evidence of vaccination or a negative test. Bring your own appropriate mask that covers your nose. No concessions tonight, sorry! Come watch the amazing Lady Huskies play. They were totally awesome last night!
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Reminder: No school Thursday and Friday this week! Thursday teachers are grading. Friday teachers are training.
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Girls Home Game! January 14 and 15.
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Spectator Guidelines for Brevig Mission
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Grades 8-12: Last day to sleep in! School tomorrow starts at 10:00 AM! Regular short day schedule for grades K-7.
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
1/2 day of school for grades 8-12 again on January 6th. Full day for grades K-7. Friday will be a regular short day for all students. We hope to be back on our regular schedule next week. Will keep everyone posted. Thank you for your patience with this unusual situation. Please spread the word.
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
HALF DAY for grades 8-12 tomorrow Jan 4. Lunch at 12:05. Class at 12:40. Please help spread the word.
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Special Announcement: HALF DAYS FOR GRADES 8-12 starting tomorrow Jan 4th. Lunch served at 12:05, Gym open at 12:15, Class starts at 12:40. We will expand back to full days as soon as possible. Returning teachers have had numerous travel problems due to flight cancellations and will get here ASAP.
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Full school day tomorrow January 4th for students in grades K-7. Breakfast at 8:30 classes start at 9:00. See you tomorrow!
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Important school dates below. Would you like a copy of the school year calendar? Just stop by the school we have lots of copies left over from orientation last fall. Looking forward to seeing all our wonderful students!
about 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
January School Schedule
Please be careful outside. This time of year means buildup of snow on rooftops. Snow that can come crashing down quickly.
about 3 years ago, David
Snow Warning
December 17th Assembly: Last day of school and more holiday cheer!
about 3 years ago, David
December 16th Assembly Topics: Open Gym during Winter Break, the meaning of the word gift, and holiday cheer from 5th, 6th, and 7th grade.
about 3 years ago, David
December 15th Assembly: Topics include: school cell phone policy reminder, gift giving, and holiday cheer from 3rd grade!
about 3 years ago, David
December 14th Assembly: Review of Gym Rules and Holiday Cheer from 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade.
about 3 years ago, David
December 13th Morning Assembly: Gym expectations and some holiday cheer from ECE
about 3 years ago, David
Basketball practice over Winter Break! Monday - Friday Boys: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Girls: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
about 3 years ago, David
During Winter Break there will still be Open Gym. Below is information for Open Gym during Winter Break. Monday- Thursday Time Group Information 7:00 – 7:30 ECE – K – 1 Doors open at 7 PM. Children 3 and under need a parent/guardian 7:30 – 7:35 Disinfect Please pick up your child at 7:30 on cold/stormy nights. 7:35 – 8:10 2nd – 3rd – 4th Doors open at 7:35. Do not come early as there is no warm waiting area. 8:10 – 8:15 Disinfect Please pick up your child at 8:10 on cold/stormy nights. 8:15 – 9:00 5th – 6th – 7th Doors open at 8:15. Come on time and do not crowd the door please. 9:00 – 9:05 Disinfect Please pick up your child at 9:00 on cold/stormy nights. 9:00 – 10:00 HS Girls & Women Doors will open at 9:00. Please help sanitize when you enter. HS plays in first game as a team. Teams sign up for games to follow 10:00 – 11:00 HS Boys & Men Doors will open at 10:00. Please help sanitize when you enter. HS plays in first game as a team. Teams sign up for games to follow 10:55 – 11:00 Disinfect Please assist the Rec Supervisor for efficient entry/exit Week 1: December 20th December 21st December 22nd December 23rd Week 2: December 27th December 28th December 29th December 30th This schedule is not flexible. Open Gym does not offer extended hours.
about 3 years ago, David
Winter Break Gym Schedule