All distance learning packets can be dropped off by the front of the school at the official drop-off box. The drop-off box is located near the front doors.
over 3 years ago, David
Drop-box by front door
Drop-box, close up
School board and AEC Election Tuesday October 5th. Go to GYM door of school from 8am - 8 pm
over 3 years ago, David
Brevig Mission School will to be closed this entire week (Oct.4 - 8). School meals and distance learning packets will be delivered in the afternoon.
over 3 years ago, David
School meals will be delivered between 10:30am and 11:30am today.
over 3 years ago, David
Missing your lunch? All meals are being delivered to the parents household.
over 3 years ago, David
Distance learning packets will go out today. The packets will need to be turned-in when students return to school. All packets will count toward grades.
over 3 years ago, David
School meals will be delivered between 11:30am and 1pm today.
over 3 years ago, David
Brevig Mission School will be closed this Thursday and Friday. School meals and makeup packets will be delivered in the afternoon.
over 3 years ago, David
School Operating Protocols (Updated September 17, 2021):
over 3 years ago, Bering Strait School District
Happy Labor Day Weekend Huskies!!! There is no school for students this Friday (Sept. 3rd) or Monday (Sept. 6th). Students will be back in school on Tuesday (Sept. 7th). Enjoy your weekend and holiday!!!
over 3 years ago, David
BSSD School Operating Protocols (Updated September 3, 2021):
over 3 years ago, Bering Strait School District
Hey Huskies!!! Here is the latest update for BSSD School Operating Protocols.
over 3 years ago, David
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Good morning Huskies!!! This past Saturday, August 28th, our Husky Cross Country runners traveled to Teller to compete. The results were: -Danielle Tocktoo 3rd place Elementary Girls -Bryce Henry 2nd place middle school boys -Chelsea Olanna 1st place middle school girls -Georgina Tocktoo 3rd place middle school girls -Kenyon Southall 1st place high school boys Big congratulations to our amazing runners!!!
over 3 years ago, David
BSSD School Reopening Family Letter for the 2021-2022 School Year:
over 3 years ago, Bering Strait School District
Hey Huskies!!! The first day of school is tomorrow (Wednesday 8/25/21). Students will come in the morning from 8:30 - 12:00. Parents will come for orientation, during scheduled times, from 12:30 - 4:00. Please spread the word and we look forward to seeing you!
over 3 years ago, David
Good morning Huskies! It is an amazing Tuesday and we have here some great information for cross country running. Here is the August activities newsletter that includes important dates and the mitigation practice plans for XC. It's not too late to join! Practices happen weekdays from 4-5:00 PM outside the school. Reminder that the first day of school is this Wednesday, August 25th.
over 3 years ago, David
August Newsletter
Important Dates
Mitigation Practice Plan
Hey Huskies! A new school year is here and orientation is just around the corner. This Wednesday, August 25th from 12:30 - 4pm, parents can come to the school to meet their children's' new teacher, fill out new school year paperwork, and grab their goodie bag. Parents will receive a letter and phone call telling them their scheduled time (between 12:30 and 4pm) on Tuesday, August 24th. All mask and social distancing guidelines will be followed. We look forward to seeing you there!
over 3 years ago, David
Welcome Back!
AEC Election candidates needed! Pick up candidacy form from school office. Must be 18 years of age, not convicted of felony crime involving moral turpitude, and resident of Brevig Mission for not less than 30 days prior to October 1, 2021
over 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Public Notice for AEC election
CTE Position Open! Please apply at the school. 4 years CTE experience required.
over 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
CTE Teacher job description.
Community Rec Position Open! Pick up an application at school if you are interested. Position starts after Labor Day.
over 3 years ago, Brevig Mission School
Job description for Community Recreation Supervisor.